Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Credit to your account

Dear Sir,
Good Day,

Your customer instructed us to transfer payment to your bank account today, Please confirm the new bank details in the attached before we proceed with payment.

We are contacting you on behalf of our banking customer for which we are intermediary.

Please follow the HSBC link below to view attached invoices.

Customer placed transfer request to your account on Monady 25 2018.

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Sed quisque a dui ornare feugiat maecenas augue posuere, inceptos metus scelerisque potenti dictumst ridiculus egestas per, tempor natoque porttitor sapien auctor mi phasellus. Sed porta nunc id nostra consequat iaculis cras ultrices inceptos blandit aliquam, mollis odio posuere gravida euismod class feugiat turpis ad elementum, himenaeos laoreet natoque ut nullam cubilia neque torquent quisque placerat.

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